

George was first diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease almost 22 years ago. He was an avid hiker and cyclist, and very health -conscious. The diagnosis was a total shock. For weeks, George stayed inside reading about Parkinson’s disease on the internet for hours at a time. He felt like he was losing a defining part of himself. “I was hiding at home, wishing it would all go away. But there was no escape,” says George. “I had to face reality and to do that, I knew I needed support.”

When George first discovered Parkinson Wellness Project, he felt like he had found ‘his people’. It was a welcoming community that encouraged him to get active again. “It was really nice to know I wasn’t alone, “says George. “I view life as a precious gift, and now I can enjoy it.”


Sukhi Rai


Jim and Carlea Bridger