Janine & Paul Herron

For more than 30 years, I have worked in the health and wellness field. Seeking vitality through fitness has been a passion of mine. My inspirations line up with PWP as there is a spiritedness in PD fighters that is not found in your everyday run-of the-mill individual.

Vitality refers to a feeling of aliveness; feeling healthy and capable and energetic

Fitness training has introduced me to all kinds of people but meeting Lisa was quite serendipitous. I have to thank Lisa for sharing with me her compelling vision for PWP and for introducing me to the PD community.

Through Lisa I have learned, and continue to learn, about the many facets of Parkinson’s. We have discovered that we share a passion for creating fun, science-based fitness programs.

My Motto: Live life like you mean it

My Philosophy:

1. Even in group exercise classes, focus on the individual

2. Fun does not mean easy (those who do my classes know this truth)

3. Body and mind work together and programs should reflect that

3. Vigorous, evidence-based programming needs to remain at the heart of all

PWP fitness classes

Each fighter at PWP is unique and I strive to create programs that are as unique as each individual. It’s imperative actually.


Because we can’t have anyone hitting the snooze button. We need athletes waking up looking forward to working out with others in the PWP family.

There is definitely strength in numbers. When you show up to work, the entire group reaps the benefits. The positive vibes of the collective helps to keep everyone motivated and those fundamental hormone levels high. I can’t stress enough how essential you are.

Imagine for a moment the person who is having a low or “off” day that somehow summons the strength to make it to a class. When that fighter is met with a supportive, welcoming, kick-ass show of support– life is better.

My hope is that each PWP athlete is challenged and meets with some success in every class. If it is typically the more challenging things in life that we feel most proud of, then without a doubt, our athletes can go to bed feeling *proud.

* Feeling proud builds confidence. Confidence brings the fortitude necessary to take on new challenges. New challenges develop new skills and abilities needed to meet the demands of everyday life.

“We can’t have anyone hitting the snooze button”

I am a big believer in functional fitness. Functional fitness focuses on the ‘go’ more than the ‘show’. I believe that exercise programs need to be ever-changing to be effective long term. The reason is two-fold:

1. The human body adapts quickly to routine so change-ups are vital to prevent adaptation

2. To keep fighters coming back for more

A note to every PWP athlete: I do not know what it feels like to live with PD but I know that those whom I have met are inspiring to me beyond belief. Thank you for that inspiration. I use that inspiration, in turn, to inspire others to achieve goals beyond what they thought possible.

Most sincerely,

Coach Janine

Certifications and Study:

BSc Kinesiology, University of Western Ontario

Rock Steady Boxing Certified Coach

Personal Training Specialist

Healthy Eating and Weight Loss

Standard First Aid & CPR-C w/AED

Advanced Flatwater Stand Up Paddle Board Instructor

Active Aging Certification

Continual Education:

Soft Skills for Tough Times

Cultivating Resilience




Gerry and Mary Ann Laing